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Canopy CONNECT manages all supply chain approvals in one platform

Ensures consistency and certainty in your suppliers' approval journey, at the initial request stage, during onboarding, and throughout the relationship's lifecycle.

01 / Single point of entry for all data intake and supplier onboarding

New supplier requests are managed directly in Canopy CONNECT, creating a single point of entry for data intake and supplier onboarding. Per your business rules, requests may be reviewed by an appropriate staff member. 

Now, your team can easily assess whether a supplier already exists for the task they need to perform before triggering a new request.


02 / Automatically route approvals to relevant teams during onboarding

Procurement workflow touches many neighbouring departments, such as Finance, Legal, Information Security, Health & Safety, and Commercial teams. Canopy CONNECT alerts each of these users to any actions they need to take, eliminating the need for constant manual chasing.
Now, you’ve eliminated the burden of administration during supplier onboarding.


03 / Ensure consistency in approval workflows throughout onboarding

All suppliers pass through the same approval journey during onboarding, giving you complete confidence that every company in your supply chain has been properly vetted.

Where your business rules permit, Canopy CONNECT can vary which approvals are required based on factors like contract value, spend or category.


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